I am looking for events in

** Virtual Classroom Event** The Current Change in our Profession- How to Survive and Thrive


This course will consider the unprecedented changes impacting the profession and examine how everyone in the practice needs to adapt to these changes in order to survive and thrive.


  • The strategic change in the nature of the service we provide, more reassurance and advisory work, less compliance work
  • Key drivers, including the impact of globalisation, digitisation (Cloud Accounting, Social Media & Artificial Intelligence) and outsourcing
  • Implications for people needing to re-skill and up-skill
  • Understanding your own and other people's different reactions to change and enabling people to deal with the change
  • Managing change across the practice as a whole
  • Relationship management with clients - why this will become more important than ever
  • Dealing with generational differences

*Sessions are normally £140 each, or 6 sessions for £66 each (plus VAT) for ACCA Members

To make a booking please call Tracey on 028 3083 5588
or email Tracey.winters@merciaireland.com

In partnership with Mercia Ireland

Event details
Sector: Practitioners' Technical Courses
Date: 21 April 2020
End Date: 21 April 2020
Duration: 3
Venue: City Hotel
Capacity: 50
CPD Units*: 3
*CPD Units are only verifiable if the event attended provides skills and/or knowledge relevant to your job or career aspirations.
Cost details
Members €00.00
Guest price €00.00
Booking details
Book online
Futher details
