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US GAAP Major recent changes including revenue and leases


with Professor Christopher Nobes, CA, FCCA, PhD

This on-line course examines the major accounting changes to US GAAP of recent years. After outlining all important recent changes, the course focuses on the practical application of the US requirements on revenue recognition and lease accounting.

The major differences from FRS 102 and IFRS are explained.

Key Features:
  • An outline of changes to US GAAP in the last few years
  • Applying US GAAP on revenue recognition
  • Applying US GAAP on lease accounting
  • Key differences between US, FRS 102 and IFRS on the above issues

Professor Christopher Nobes

Chris is professor of Accounting in the University of London and the University of Sydney. He was a member of the Accounting Standards Committee of the UK and Ireland, and then UK representative on the Board of the International Accounting Standards Committee. Chris has taught in universities in New York and San Diego. He has won the ‘Outstanding International Educator Award’ of the American Accounting Association.

Event details
Sector: Corporate Sector full day courses
Date: 11 November 2020
End Date: 11 November 2020
Duration: 2 hrs
Venue: Online
Capacity: 45
Places: No free places
CPD Units*: 2
*CPD Units are only verifiable if the event attended provides skills and/or knowledge relevant to your job or career aspirations.
Cost details
Members €79.00
Guest price €79.00
Booking details
Book online
Futher details
