I am looking for events in

Tax Compliance Roundup


with Paul Murphy, Martin J. Kelly & Co.

This course is designed to provide the attendee with a round-up of current tax compliance issues including payroll, vat and corporation tax.

It will also focus on the latest Covid-19 tax concessions and schemes as well as Revenue's compliance activities in this area.  

To include:

  •  Payroll taxes update including EWSS and TWSS
  •  Corporation tax compliance and reliefs including Covid-19 loss relief
  •  Vat update
  •  Update on Revenue interventions

Paul Murphy is a Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) and Managing Director with Martin J. Kelly & Co. He is also a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. Paul is a corporation tax lecturer for the Irish Tax Institute and a speaker for a number of accountancy bodies on their professional development panels. He is also co-author of the Institute’s third-level publication Irish Taxation.

Event details
Sector: Corporate Sector full day courses
Date: 17 December 2020
End Date: 17 December 2020
Duration: 2hrs
Venue: Online
Capacity: 130
Places: No free places
CPD Units*: 2
*CPD Units are only verifiable if the event attended provides skills and/or knowledge relevant to your job or career aspirations.
Cost details
Members €79.00
Guest price €79.00
Booking details
Book online
Futher details