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Excel Dashboard using Pivot Tables


Join us for a demonstration on the mechanics of using Pivot Tables as the basis for a dashboard.


Key topics-


Preparing the Data for the Dashboard

  • Using an Excel Table as source data for a dashboard – how to configure the data.
  • Build multiple pivot tables out of the raw data which will ‘feed’ the relevant information into the dashboard.


Building the Dashboard elements

  • Create Pivot Charts from the Pivot Tables.
  • Create textboxes to display key totals/metrics from the Pivot Tables.
  • Create Slicers to enable the Dashboard to be filtered.


Finalising the Dashboard

  • Tips on arranging the Dashboard.
  • Formatting the Dashboard.
  • Add a Refresh button.


Speaker- Niamh Loftus



Niamh has over 22 years of training experience and in addition to training services, is a developer of bespoke Excel and Power BI solutions, working with clients to get the most out of their data.

Email: training@smartskills.ie

Event details
Sector: Other
Date: 17 April 2024
End Date: 17 April 2024
Time:10:00 - 12:00
Duration: 2 Hours
Venue: Virtual
Capacity: 150
CPD Units*: 0
*CPD Units are only verifiable if the event attended provides skills and/or knowledge relevant to your job or career aspirations.
Cost details
Members €89.00
Guest price €89.00
Booking details
Book online
Futher details

Please note that registrations for this session will close at 12:00pm on 16th of april 2024.

The webinar will be recorded and the recording will be available for those who have registered for the event. 

If you have any questions ahead of the session, please do not hesitate to contact us at irelandmembers@accaglobal.com.